Choosing the Most Comfortable Dog Collar Material: A Comprehensive Guide

Selecting the right collar for your canine companion involves more than just style; it’s crucial for their comfort and well-being. Collars serve as more than just fashion accessories—they’re essential tools for identification, control, and safety during walks or outings. With a wide range of materials available, finding the optimal balance of comfort, durability, and safety … Read more

Essential 2024 Summer Safety Tips For Dogs

As the summer sun blazes, it’s essential to remember that our furry companions feel the heat too. Dogs can easily suffer from heatstroke and dehydration if proper precautions aren’t taken. Whether you’re lounging in hot sun in the backyard or embarking on a summer adventure, we have some helpful tips on how to keep dogs … Read more

The Benefits, How to Use & More

As devoted dog parents, we always want what’s best for our furry, four-legged companions. Keeping our dogs clean and well-groomed is not only essential for their health but also for their happiness. However, traditional baths can sometimes be a challenging task, especially if your dog dislikes water or has sensitive skin. Or if you are … Read more

Is My Dog Reactive?

Do you have a dog who barks excessively on walks? Maybe they lunge or pull toward other dogs or people they encounter? This could mean your dog is reactive.  Walking a reactive dog may be a difficult and stressful experience for both the dog and the owner. Reactive behavior, such as lunging, barking, or snarling … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries: The Complete Answer

June is officially blueberry season! Well, here on the east coast at least. Early season blueberries mark the beginning of warm days. These delicious fruits mature before the late-season types, offering a fresh start to summer. This early harvest lets growers and eaters savor blueberries as the season kicks off. Certain fruits and berries are … Read more

The Power of Client Rebooking in Dog Grooming

Rebooking clients is a crucial strategy for groomers and pet stylists to increase their income and keep your fur clients coat and skin in great condition. Encouraging clients to schedule their next appointment before they leave ensures a steady stream of pets coming into your salon. Rebooking clients before they leave ensures they stick to … Read more